Sunday, November 15, 2015

Chapter 3.8

Another day starts in Sunset Valley and all seems to be going well. Maddy heads off to her first day of work while Basil plays a little tickle time with Janelle.

Jerrika: She scares me.
Jerrika: Have you seen her?
Yes, I think she is kind of cute.
Jerrika: No, she's scary. 

Jensen hangs out after school and works on his homework while his sister watches.

Jensen: *yawns*
Jerrika: Oh my god, put some deodorant on.

As you can see they still haven't left the school. They decided to hang there the rest of the afternoon and play on the playground. At least they are doing something!

Back home, Maddy had gotten home from her first day of work and made something to eat.

Basil:Where's mine?
Maddy: Get off your ass and get it, it is on the counter.
Basil: Why didn't you bring it to me?
Maddy: I just worked all day, get the scowl off your face and get your own damn food.

Maddy needed some athletics again for her job so she started working on the chin up bar. It didn't go so well.

Then the almighty lag fairy came back and hit us with a ton of it! So what do I do, I move them again! I wasn't to thrilled in Sunset Valley with these guys anyways. Though I had changed half the town already, dammit.

Where are you going?
Maddy: To get a job.
You have one, at the stadium.
Maddy: I don't want that one anymore, now I want to be in the education field.

As you can tell, or maybe not, they moved back to Sunlit Tides. Back to the beginning where this family started long ago. I did however total annihilate the whole town this time around as I didn't want someone to do something with someone they were related to! Plus that would of been just too weird having these guys friends with people Blake was friends with. So everyone was kabloomied and we got new residents! I also wanted to see if starting in a totally fresh world would help. I still at this point had not wanted to believe I just had too much CC!

Maddy: Hi, my name is IITB and I am a downloadaholic.
Shut up, you have nice stuff don't you.

Jerrika: You're it!
Jensen: There is something in the sky! It is watching me!
 Jerrika: It's the sun you ding-dong, now chase me!
Jensen: It's coming for me! It burns us!
Jerrika: You sure we're related?
Oh yes, definitely.

While the kids play outside, Basil plays with his magic inside and Maddy tries to fish in the ocean.

Maddy: Really? Hours in the sun and this is all I get?
Well, you need to get better.
Maddy: Screw that, I just want a shark!

Jensen: I have to peeeeeee!
Use the toilet behind youuuuu!
Jensen: Haha, you'd like that wouldn't you. No points.
Yes! Now come on, use the damn toilet.
 Jensen: I don't know, I might just have to pee right here on the floor. In front of the toilet!
You wouldn't!
Jensen: Oh, I would.
 Jensen: Ha! Just kidding, I know how to use a toilet!
You little shit, just go.

 He did and we didn't get a  fail. I thought for sure he was going to go right there in front of the toilet though.

Maddy: Let's watch Daddy cook Jenelle. It will teach you what not to do. See first, he's holding the pot all wrong. Silly Daddy!

Maddy: Next, by not knowing what end was up with the pot, Daddy made a big mess all over the stove and started a fire. Do you know what he did next honey? He walked away, bad daddy!
Get up and put it out!

Oh great, another fire! Deja Vu anyone? Remember my lasts ISBI on generation three. *sighs* So anyways Maddy goes and puts Janelle down so she can start extinguishing the fire. You know since Basil just walks away like nothing.

Jerrika: Um... Mom... Someone.... Help!
Fucking A!

Holy crap! It just keeps getting bigger! Basil, quit bitching you're hungry and help put the fire out! Or at least your child!

Jerrika: Hot, Hot, Hot!
Hold on! The fireman is there now too! Don't die!

Dammit! See, told you Deja Vu! Fuck!

Jerrika: Mom! Help me!
Maddy: Hold on sweetie, I have to put my ass out first!
Jerrika: Ahhhhh!

All I am hearing is ear piercing screams from Jerrika. My whole family wants to know who I am torturing now. Oh you know, just a fire!!!

Fireman: Sorry kid, I'm a bit tired of pushing the button. Hold on a bit longer okay.
Fucking put her out!

She's going to die. Maddy is still putting herself out and no one else is putting Jerrika out. Fucking dumbasses!

Jerrika: Help me Fireman!

Jerrika: Please!!!!

Jerrika: Help.... me.

Fireman: Oh, well since you asked so nicely. Okay.

Basil: Fire!
Oh, come on! Just help!

Fireman: I got you little girl!
Jerrika: *screams*

Maddy finally gets back from putting herself out and tries to get Jerrika out too.

Fireman: Whew, that was close. You guys need to be more careful.
The fire is not out!!! It's all around you, you idiot!
Fireman: Hey, nasty words! I put the kid out!

So with Jerrika put out, Maddy gets working on the rest of the fire to try and contain it at least.

Fireman: Oh, there is more here.
Maddy: Come on! Help put it out!

Fireman: When did I turn pink and get green hair?!
Just put the fire out!
 Finally they got it put out! Holy crap that was a huge one!

Fireman: Well looks like my job is done.
Basil: I'm starving! I should make something!
Fuck! No! You cook again and I will kill you.

I went to check on Jerrika because she was totally red. She was almost starving and about to pass out. Her and Jensen had enough excitement for one day and went to bed. I hope she lives through the night.

I then headed back to watch Basil.

Basil: Mmmm salad!
Yeah, that is all you can make... ever! 

She lived through the night and the next day even got a bit of salad before school.

Jensen: Haha, you screamed like a girl! Oh help me Mommy!

Jerrika: You would of too if your butt was on fire! Quit picking on me! I could of died!

This is when I realized I had the house backwards so switched it around. Then when I headed back in we had a new member of the family. Beach Gnome! Yay, he's back!

Still crispy!

Dammit Basil!

This is where I gave up and just paused the game. From the suggestion of Kimi, I did give them back a bit of money as an "inheritance" since they were technically third generation and had money. I only added $50,000 to their funds so I could fix up their house a bit. You will see it more next update.

New Scoring

Torch Holders - 3
Fulfilling LTW - 1
Births - 12
Twins - 4
Triplets -
Quads -
Honor Roll - 3
NPS Fulfilling LTW - 1
Pass outs - 30
Self Wettings -23
Failing School - 1
Taken by Social Worker -
Fires -2
Accidental Deaths -
I went by what I had in my saved fire not what was on here. For some reason my word doc said 22 self wettings and on here it says 21, so I just went with 23 now to be on the safe side. I also hadn't added the birth of Janelle to the scoring last time, so I did now. 
Hopefully it won't be months now before my next update again!